Tuesday, October 7, 2008


UGGGHHH!!! I'm getting everything together now to get into grad school and am studying for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). You have several options when it comes to when to take the GRE that would quicken your transition, so when you graduate with your Bachelor's, you've gotten it out of the way and you're ready for the next step.

  • Take it before you graduate College: You can study for the GRE and take it while you're still in college, that way when you graduate you don't waste a year or more studying and taking the test if it takes you several tries to pass it.

  • If you won't be taking any more math: The GRE consists of a verbal, a writing portion (which isn't looked at too much) and MATH!!!! If your major like mine doesn't require a whole lot of math in your latter years, it's better to take it earlier when the material is fresher in your mind.

  • You can even take the GRE in high school, the GRE SCORE IS VALID FOR 5 YEARS!!! So, your senior year you can pass the GRE, go to college, finish undergrad in four years, apply for grad school and you wouldn't have to worry about a silly GRE test.

I strongly recommend getting a hold of a GRE study book, you might not even have to buy one, just simply ask someone that has taken it recently. My older sister just passed it and there are about 3 books that are circulating around for those of us that are studying for it now.

I would love to hear your comments and feel free to subscribe to be kept posted on new articles.

Leyda Hernandez



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