Friday, September 26, 2008


If someone came into your job poorly dressed, inebriated, and spewing profanity... would you hire them? That just might be the reason why no one is hiring you.

Facebook used to be for college students only, but now anyone can join; and they are. More and more curious recruiters are doing checks on candidates wanting to know more about you or looking for warnings. With a Facebook profile displaying drunken party pictures and curse words, you're digging a hole for yourself by exposing your own bad behavior.

Although these social networks are extremely helpful in keeping in touch, they also are extremely helpful in damaging your reputation. A company has to watch its image and as an employee you are a reflection of the company. If your Facebook profile is far from professional, then it's poison for your career.

So, assume that everyone can see what you post. All of this information is available on a glorious thing called the World Wide Web, which means anyone can access it, in some circumstances; you don't even have to have an account to see it. Think about what you may have on your profile, in photos of you and comments you have made, and now think about how much of that you wouldn't want your parents or your boss to see. Exactly. You'll see how much you want to stop reading this article, adjust your privacy settings and delete half your things.

If you've decided intelligently to go take a closer look at your account; while you're at it, you might want to check up on your MySpace and Google yourself too. You might be surprised with what you see.

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